E(x) Development

Career Kickstart Programme

A Comprehensive Career Accelerator Programme for Graduates

Our mission with the Career Kickstart Programme is to go further than to equip graduates with the essential skills needed to excel in the professional world. We aim to give you an Edge over your peers.

This programme is designed to enhance your interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, practical skills, and much more.

About The Programme

Over half of employers today think graduates have ‘none or few’ of the skills needed to be effective in the workplace. We understand this gap well, because we’ve been those employers. 

We go further than helping you to fill this gap. We help you get a distinct advantage in your early career.

This programme is beyond traditional training – Designed and delivered by highly experienced industry veterans with extensive training and practical application of neuroscience – We don’t just impart information, we help you to actually become the person who does great things naturally and authentically. What you develop with us will help you in any situation and in any career.

Having An Edge:

  • Perform better at interviews
  • Get a higher profile more quickly
  • Quickly build deeper trust and respect
  • Get things done more effectively
  • Communicate effectively across the whole organisation
  • Be seen as someone to keep and invest in
  • Be part of a growing collaborative professional network

Honing Your Edge

  • Mastering skills that all employers value
  • Improving interpersonal skills with diverse groups.
  • Learning how to quickly build and maintain deep trust and respect
  • Learning how to navigate any organisation and its politics
  • Learning how to communicate effectively, at all organisational levels
  • Overcoming your own self limitations with neuroscience
  • Learning how to chart your own development
  • Creating and developing your own impactful brand
  • Collaborating with our network of alumni

In Short, Become:

  • Resourceful
  • Influential
  • Adaptable
  • Confident
  • Self-reliant

Applying Your Edge

You can apply your Edge in many creative ways, and in all aspects of your professional life. Here are just a few examples:

At Interviews...

Better Mindset:
Dispel your nerves and fears. Present the calm and confident demeanor of someone more experienced.
Better Rapport:
Quickly establish a strong connection to set a positive tone and engender a more favourable response from your interviewer.
Authentic Responses:
Provide authentic and thoughtful responses to interview questions based on personal beliefs and reflections from the program, rather than rehearsed textbook answers.
A Great Impression:
Use your powerful personal brand to instantly create a strong impression.
Interpersonal Skills:
Highlight your outstanding interpersonal skills by showcasing your ability to communicate effectively and work well with individuals from diverse backgrounds and seniority.
A Distinctive Interest:
Discuss the neuroscience principles you learned and how they apply to understanding workplace behaviour's and enhancing team dynamics.
Evidence Continuous Learning
Showcase your commitment to personal and professional growth by discussing your participation in the program and its ongoing learning component.
Demonstrate Adaptability:
Share experiences from the program that demonstrate adaptability and resilience in various group dynamics and scenarios.
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At Work...

Enhanced Problem-Solving:
Utilise a holistic approach to problem-solving, incorporating a broader understanding of organisational dynamics and human behaviour than your peers.
Effective Communication:
Communicate in a clear, structured and effective way across all levels of the organisation, fostering better understanding and collaboration.
Positive Influence:
Exhibit a positive influence on team dynamics, contributing to a more inclusive and supportive work environment.
Resourcefulness and Self-Reliance:
Demonstrate resourcefulness and self-reliance in tackling challenges, reducing the management overhead and contributing to team efficiency.
Networking and Mentorship:
Leverage the programme alumni network for mentorship and collaborative opportunities, bringing fresh perspectives and resources to the workplace.
Enhanced Relationships:
Get better outcomes than your peers from cultivating positive relationships with a diverse range of colleagues using techniques from the programme.
Avoid and Resolve Conflict
Use principles and techniques from the programme to gracefully navigate difficult situations.
Be A Better Change Agent:
Focus on being great at the activities that drive change forwards and get results.
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Your Investment

Base price of £3,000* and approximately 17 days investment in yourself, followed by a lifetime of refinement. It breaks down like this:

* inc VAT ; Discounts apply with our referral programme

Start Shaping Your Future Today

In today's rapidly evolving job market, a degree alone is no longer a guarantee of success. With over 52% of the UK population now holding a degree, competition is fiercer than ever, and the challenges are manifold.

Graduates face an oversaturated market, increased global competition, a lack of preparedness for the workplace, and employers are desperate for competent recruits.

By investing in your future now you harness the power of compound growth in your personal and professional development, and thereby set the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career.

And every moment you wait, others are moving forward.

2 Ways That This Programme Is Unique

1. We Cover The Full Development Lifecycle


2. We Designed It Better, See how:

Transformative Learning,

Refined by Experience

At E(x) Development, we are not career trainers. We have broad and extensive professional experience, from shop floor canteens to top management. We know what works, and how things work.

We've experienced a wide range of training courses firsthand so we understand how many fall short. We also understand the perspectives of thousands of people we've worked with.

All this experience, coupled with our understanding and experience of neuroscience, has allowed us to design a beautifully focused and comprehensive programme which you won't find anywhere else.

Discover what sets us apart >

Broad and Carefully Selected Content

We have used our experience and consulted widely among senior management of world leading companies, to ensure that this programme is meticulously designed to boost your early career trajectory.

The topics we cover are precision-selected for maximum impact, aimed at transforming you into a holistic professional who shines more brightly on the corporate radar.

Delivered By Experienced Practitioners

Our courses are delivered by seasoned industry professionals who don't just understand the theories, but have them deeply ingrained in their professional DNA. These aren't career trainers teaching from a textbook, we are industry experts who've walked the walk and now passionately share their wealth of experience and real-world insights with you.

Every piece of knowledge they impart comes from direct experience, every strategy has been tested in the trenches of the professional world, and every story is a first-hand account. Benefit from the powerful blend of practical wisdom and academic acuity, as our facilitators guide you beyond the conventional boundaries of learning, straight into real-world application.
Praxis-Focused Learning

We place a specific emphasis on the most effective form of learning - practical application. Our programme is carefully structured to incorporate only as much theory as necessary to facilitate real-world implementation.

In short, everything you learn, you practise.

As a result, the concepts and skills you acquire aren't merely theoretical constructs, but dynamic tools you can immediately use in your professional arena. Our programme isn't about learning for the sake of knowledge, it's about gaining practical tools and strategies for immediate impact.

Integrated Neuroscience

Our training equips you with neuroscience-based skills, not just to give you skills that differentiate you from others, but also to drive personal growth.

By integrating neuroscience into our teaching methods, we ensure that you grasp concepts more deeply, retain information longer, and can apply your knowledge more intuitively in real-world situations.
Builds Genuine Confidence

We firmly believe in holistic development. This means that for you to truly excel and achieve the results you desire, it's essential to be confident both in the techniques you employ and also in yourself. Our programme is crafted to ensure this dual confidence.

Firstly, our comprehensive selection of skills give you the confidence that you're doing the right things, right.

Secondly, we directly address any insecurities or self-imposed limitations you might have.

Being confident in both your skills and also yourself means you always come across as authentically confident. You will no longer need to present a fake façade which experienced professionals can see through instantly. So, with us, you're not just learning; you're evolving into a more confident version of yourself.

Sustained Development

Our programme prepares you for now and sets you up for the future. We give you the tools to keep getting better in everything we teach, and even more.

Instead of just guiding you, we help you take charge of your own growth, so you will never just wait for company directions.

And the learning doesn't stop when the programme ends. You'll be part of our alumni network, where everyone shares advice and experiences, helping each other in both personal development and professional contexts.

Ongoing Certifications

Forget the usual 'train and forget' methods. With us, finishing the programme is just the start.

Once you complete an E(x) Development course, you join our alumni community of like minded peers. Here, you can earn further certifications, not by taking more courses, but by showing your ongoing growth and helping others in the community.

These ongoing certifications are a tangible confirmation to the world, of your continuing dedication to self-improvement and your ability to uplift others.

Maximised Learning

Oh, how often have we heard from people coming back from a day's training "Wow, I could have done that in an hour"

We firmly believe that every moment spent developing should be impactful and valuable. Every minute on our programme is packed with comprehensive content designed for your growth, leaving no room for fluff.

Moreover, the quality of our programme is deliberately designed to attract those most serious about personal development. Everyone present is fully committed, fostering a conducive environment of focused learning and mutual motivation. In this space, every participant doesn't just strive for their own success, but contributes towards the collective growth of the group.

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Is This Really For Me?
Embracing Challenge and Growth

Before you make the decision to begin your journey there are a few things you need to know.

If you have read this far then you are likely someone who wants to get ahead.

If, to get there, you’re ready to question your preconceptions, take charge of your personal growth, embrace a rigorous learning experience, and build trusting relationships, then this programme is indeed for you.

If you have the dedication, we’re here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Some concepts in this programme may challenge your current beliefs or perceptions. Drawing from our very extensive industry experience and the insights of thousands we’ve worked with, we offer a real-world perspective that goes beyond textbooks and company advertising. We show you how things really work and how companies actually operate. It’s essential to approach this programme with an open mind, ready to align your understanding with reality.

The responsibility for results rests with you. We provide the direction, but the integration of that knowledge into your  professional and personal life is up to you.

As Galileo Galilei said, “You cannot teach someone anything; you can only help them find it within themsleves.” The more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

We strive to facilitate this process; the journey is ultimately yours.

This is an intense programme, for several reasons. Be prepared for some late nights and deep soul-searching. These challenges are designed to push you out of your comfort zone and into a space of profound growth and self-discovery.

Trust in your group members is paramount. You’ll work together, supporting each other in confronting and overcoming both personal and professional obstacles. This collaborative process is a crucial part of the programme, fostering a sense of community and shared growth.

We understand that some people prefer small bite sized learning. This programme includes highly interactive discussions, games and exercises which simply cannot work remotely. These direct interactions are fundamental for your success. The more you interact and practise with each other the better your results will be – and this format mirrors the workplace where you will likely be required to make a physical appearance at least some of the time. The neuroscience components also work best in a face to face setting; and many of the learnings interplay with each other and for these reasons, and more, it is best to do them in close sequence and as a group.

Our goal is not to fill that skills gap that employers experience.

Our goal is to give you an Edge, by making you shine.

Once you’ve completed the programme, you’ll see how all the effort you’ve put in really takes you to another level. It’s a challenging journey, and one that leads to significant growth and development.


Trust yourself. You know you can do it.

Check Out The Detail and Book Your Place

Win A Place

We’re thrilled that you’ve taken the time to explore our Career Kickstart programme. Your journey towards personal and professional growth is just a few steps away!

We would like to learn a little more about you, so we’d like to invite you to complete a brief questionnaire.

As a token of our appreciation, upon completion, you can opt for a range of rewards. You’ll also be entered into a draw to instead win a free place.

This is a fantastic opportunity to experience firsthand the transformative power of our programme. We look forward to supporting your career growth journey.

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