Expand the headings below to explore some key elements of the programme.
As we delve deeper into the programme, you’ll discover that your learning extends far beyond.
Prepare yourself to attend the main programme, with a set of tasks and some self reflection.
Explore new ideas and learn how all these elements can be integrated into the workplace.
Where each module of theory gets real, revealing more to learn than you initially anticipated.
Start to use your new skills and techniques to make a difference.
Earning further formal credit by continuing your journey, networking and helping others with their journeys.
This programme is in fact a lot longer than 9 days.
With our unique approach you develop in three phases: per-work, attendance, and the continuous improvement section finishes only if you decide it should.
The programme really starts when you commence the pre-work; and it continues long after you receive your certification.
By balancing the content between these phases we can focus the attendance portion of the programme on only the elements that benefit from interaction.
To an extent, and this maybe a more targeted approach to learning than you might have currently planned. Consider these points though:
If you are resolved to go down this route then we would encourage you towards courses than videos. Here are some of the pitfalls to avoid:
All in all we would propose that a better approach might be to understand how you can engineer yourself to already automatically know what the right things are to do. And this programme does this for you.
This programme offers a broad and unique blend of skills and transformative experience that you won’t find in traditional training courses. However pricing even at the market average for training would have placed the programme out of reach for many. We also recognise the financial challenges many graduates face, so we’ve worked hard to keep the programme as affordable as possible.
We are always looking for ways to grow the value for our participants without compromising the quality of the programme. As we identify cost savings we will adjust our prices accordingly.
We also recognise that we need to balance this approach with ensuring that our participants are serious and dedicated to their results. Like anything in life, people who are fully invested tend to achieve the best outcomes.
Yes, and No.
Our programmes are a safe space for learning. They have to be, because you will need to reach out of your comfort zone.
That said, being out of your comfort zone doesn’t generally feel like a safe place to be! You will find no echo chambers here. If you feel your world view challenged then the programme is likely doing its job – it indicates that you are thinking ‘outside the box’ and growing. We encourage you to grow at every opportunity. This is where some of the neuroscience kicks in. We integrate certain techniques into the delivery of the programme to make this easier for you; and some of the material in the programme also helps you to do this yourself.
The French have a saying – “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”. Meaning, the more things change the more they stay the same. In the rapidly changing professional world it is easy to get caught up in the illusion that the way we work and do things evolves fast. Or, in fancy consultant speak, “Constantly shifting paradigms”. In reality these evolutions tend to be fads or people trying to magic up niches to exploit.
The basics remain, and always will. People still work the same today as they did thousands of years ago – If you read Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius’ Mediations, you’ll be hard pressed to find something that he mused that does not hold true today. The Egyptians built the pyramids without the benefit of any of today’s modern project methodologies.
We have found that being good with the latest trends is certainly helpful, if sometimes tiresomely expensive. Make you sound impressive at dinner parties too. But it’s that special x which makes people want to seek you out, which makes people want to work hard for you, and which makes people want the responsiliblity to be borne by you.
Which is why we focus on foundational skills. What we cover in our programme makes a difference all the time and in any career you choose.
In fact, not even just in any career you choose, you will see how this programme makes a difference in every sphere of your life.
We are currently working on our 2024 schedule and pricing.
Fill out the form below and we’ll keep you updated.
We’re thrilled that you’ve taken the time to explore our Career Kickstart programme. Your journey towards personal and professional growth is just a few steps away!
We would like to learn a little more about you, so we’d like to invite you to complete a brief questionnaire.
As a token of our appreciation, upon completion, you can opt for a range of rewards. You’ll also be entered into a draw to instead win a free place.
This is a fantastic opportunity to experience firsthand the transformative power of our programme. We look forward to supporting your career growth journey.