The Questionnaire

The journey of a lifetime starts with the first step – congratulations, this is a good one!

When answering these questions do please allow your natural thoughts to flow. We greatly value the most genuine answers, so please trust your instincts. Every question here is designed with a specific intent. Your honest answers will directly influence the quality and direction of our 2024 Career Kickstart Programmes.

By completing the questionnaire fully and including your details you are guaranteed a discount on one of our programmes; and you will also be automatically entered into a draw to instead win a free place. Just like with the programme there is reward for your effort!

Before you begin with the questionnaire please take some time to look at study all the content on the programme. We are very interested to hear what you think.

We’re committed to using your feedback for the sole purpose of refining our programme. We will not share your data with anyone.

Put yourself on the path to becoming the best version of yourself. We are looking forward to meeting you.