E(x) Development

Career Kicksart Programme - How It Works

Pre-Work: Your Journey Starts Here

Welcome to the first step of an exciting and transformative journey! 

The pre-work phase is thoughtfully designed to set you up for get the best out of the programme for yourself, and it’s where we’ll begin our adventure together.

Reading List: Your Intellectual Companion

Our curated reading list is more than just a set of books; it’s your intellectual companion. It lays the foundation for key topics you’ll explore and includes materials to broaden your mind. Dive into these readings (without AI assistance, of course!), and let them inspire and challenge you. We’re excited to hear your thoughts.

Self-Reflection: A Personal Challenge

We believe in you and your potential. That’s why we’ve included reflective exercises that will ask you to look deep within yourself. It might feel uncomfortable at times, but that’s a sign of growth. Remember, we’re here to support you, and we know you’ve got what it takes!

Assessments: Show Us Your Progress

Your journey will include written quizzes and a creative exercises. Don’t worry; these aren’t tests but opportunities to explore ways that you can grow. Submit them before the attendance part of the program to demonstrate to yourself that you’re ready to start.

Planning and Support: We’re Here for You

We recommend booking your program well in advance, giving you plenty of time to engage with the pre-work at a comfortable pace. Once you’ve booked, we’ll send you a welcome pack with everything you need.

And remember, we’re always just a phone call away. Whether you need a little encouragement or have a question, our friendly team is here for you. We believe in your success, and we can’t wait to embark on this journey with you. Welcome to the family!

Theory: An Interactive Exploration

The Theory section of our program is where the intellectual meets the practical, and where your individual journey becomes a shared experience.


Here’s what you can expect:

Interactive Attendance: Engage and Connect

Physical attendance in this section is an integral part of the learning process. The Theory section is designed to be highly interactive, allowing you to actively participate, engage with the material, and connect with fellow participants. Your presence adds value to the collective learning experience.

Question and Answer Sessions: Deepen Your Understanding

Here, questions are not just welcomed; they’re encouraged. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions to cement your understanding, clarify doubts, and explore nuances. But that’s not all; you’ll also benefit from hearing the questions and insights of others. Often, a fellow participant’s question can spark a new perspective or deepen your understanding in unexpected ways.




Real-World Discussions and Examples: Bridge Theory and Practice

The Theory section goes beyond abstract concepts, linking them to real-world applications. Through discussions, case studies, and examples, you’ll see how theoretical principles translate into practical solutions. This connection between theory and practice enriches your learning experience and prepares you for real-world challenges.

Neuroscience and the Magic of Learning: A Safe and Conducive Environment

This is where the program takes a unique turn, blending science, psychology, and a touch of magic.  As well as imparting some neuroscience theory and techniques to you, we also utilise these principles to create a safe and conducive learning environment. By fostering a mindset that encourages openness, curiosity, and integration, we help you absorb and retain knowledge more effectively. Whether it’s through specific exercises, guided reflections, or innovative teaching techniques, we aim to make learning not just informative but transformative.

Practise: Making It Real, for you

The Practise section of our programme is where theory comes to life.

It’s an immersive, engaging, and sometimes intense experience designed to translate abstract concepts into tangible skills.

Here’s what sets the Practice section apart:

Practical Exercises: From Learning to Living

Each theoretical segment is paired with a practical exercise, allowing you to appreciate the learning and make it real for yourself. These exercises are not mere demonstrations but opportunities to internalise concepts, experiment with ideas, and see theory in action.

Engaging Games: Fun with Depth

Our Practice sections offer carefully designed, fun, and engaging games that serve to demonstrate the theory. They are designed to be thought-provoking and helpful personal experiences. You’ll have the chance to explore, reflect, and share with the group, creating a rich tapestry of insights to which we can later apply more of our theory.

Day and Evening Exercises: A Full Immersion

The Practice section keeps you engaged both during the day and in the evenings. Whether working alone or in groups, you’ll find a variety of exercises that challenge and stimulate. There’s little time to relax, but plenty of opportunities to grow, learn, and connect.

Action Plans: Your Roadmap for Growth

The exercises are not an end in themselves but a means to greater self-awareness and development. You’ll distil your learnings into actionable plans for ongoing growth, creating a roadmap that extends beyond the programme and into your daily life.

Trust and Collaboration: The Heart of Practice

To fully benefit from the exercises, you’ll need to develop a strong sense of mutual trust with the group. This trust is not just a byproduct of the process; it’s a vital ingredient. It enables openness, risk-taking, and genuine sharing, turning the Practice section into a collaborative and transformative experience.

Application: Integrating Learning Into Your Life

The Application phase of our programme transforms learning from a classroom concept into an integral part of your everyday life. 

It empowers you to harness the insights, skills, and confidence you’ve acquired, applying them practically and effectively. 

Here’s what the Application phase entails:

Soft Skills: A Lifelong Practice

The Application actually begins during the programme itself, particularly with the soft skills components. These are skills you can practise in all spheres of your life, from professional interactions to personal relationships. Whether it’s communication, empathy, or leadership, the programme equips you to integrate these skills seamlessly into your daily routine.

Immediate Work Application: Confidence and Competence

One of the standout features of the Application phase is the ability to take all the learnings and start putting them to use at work immediately. The programme supports you in doing this confidently and competently, without fear of “not doing a good job.” It’s about translating theory into action and doing so with assurance and effectiveness.

Interviews and Career Growth: Showcasing Your Evolution

The Application phase also extends to how you present yourself in interviews and career discussions. You can talk about what you did, how you grew, and how you will continue to grow. The programme helps you come across as mature, collaborative, and positively influential. It’s not just about claiming these qualities but having tangible evidence to back them up.

Alignment with Organisational Values: Adaptability, Innovation, and Growth

Your commitment to personal development, as evidenced by your participation in the programme, should resonate with all organisations, especially those that value adaptability, innovation, and long-term growth. It’s a testament to your willingness to evolve, embrace change, and contribute positively to a dynamic work environment.

Continuous Improvement: Networking, Growth And Support

The programme has ended and this is where you really take the reins, steering your growth and expanding your influence.

Here’s how Continuous Improvement comes to life:

Alumni Networks: A Community of Growth

Upon completion of the programme, you are automatically enrolled in our exclusive alumni networks. This isn’t just a title; it’s an invitation to a vibrant community that thrives on LinkedIn and private forums. It’s a safe and exclusive space where you can connect, explore thoughts, share learnings and career opportunities, and celebrate successes. It’s about boosting your network and enriching it with like-minded individuals committed to growth and excellence.

Earned Certifications: A Testament to Your Commitment
Your active participation in helping and supporting others within the community isn’t just appreciated; it’s rewarded. As you engage more, you’ll earn credit towards ongoing certifications. These certifications are more than mere accolades; they are tangible evidence of your continued commitment to growth, leadership, and positive influence. They stand as a testament to your dedication and your journey of continuous improvement.

Coaching and Influence: Spread Your Impact

We don’t just encourage you to develop your network and coach each other; we see it as a vital part of your growth. It’s about taking the skills, insights, and values you’ve gained and spreading them far and wide. It’s about becoming not just a leader but a mentor, a supporter, and a positive influence within your network and beyond.

A Journey That Never Ends

Continuous Improvement is not a phase that concludes; it’s a path that keeps unfolding. It’s about ongoing growth, connection, collaboration, and influence. It’s about being part of a community that believes in bettering oneself and others. Join us, and let’s continue this journey together, celebrating successes, embracing challenges, and inspiring each other to greater heights.